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This lesson is aimed at intermediate level guitarists looking to exapnd thier knowledege of scales and arpeggios. All the examples below are in the key of G major but make sure to practice these in all keys. For the scales and arpeggio examples, pratice using all rhtyhmic subdivisions not just as quavers as written. The string skipping examples are a look at how to begin creating intervallic lines which I will cover in another lesson. For any questions, book a skype lesson with me and I can explain in more detail. This lesson can be purchased to download and keep in my online shop.
Major Chord Scale

Major Scale Modes

Major Scale - Arpeggios

Major Scale - Arpeggio Exercise 1

Major Scale - Arpeggio Exercise 2

Major Scale - String Skipping Arpeggios - Root E string

Major Scale - String Skipping Arpeggios - Root A string

Major Scale - String Skipping Arpeggios - Exercise 1 - E String Root

Major Scale - String Skipping Arpeggios - Exercise 1 - A String Root

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